About Santosha

Meditator, Author, Educator, Community Builder, and Visionary (she/her).


Boasting five University Degrees including Counselling & Psychology and a Masters of Education, Santosha boldly connects scientific research of Positive Psychology to Spiritual Practices in hopes of teaching one million people how to raise their energy vibration.

She is the author of personal development books including the book called "Healing the Planet from Within". She is the creator of the YouTube Channel: Healing the Planet from Within where she shares self-improvement and spiritual development techniques to improve your life.

Her vision is to start up meditation centres around the world where female yogis and Nuns are welcome to stay long term to deepen their meditation practice. Throughout her travels to countries like India, SriLanka, Vietnam and Thailand it became obvious that men are more supported to do meditation, and there are few places where females are accepted.

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